Sunday, February 14, 2016

Candy Hearts, Hot and Heat, Lovers With Haters

Displaying phone pics 008.pngHappy birthday, every day, holiday hits, hearts to start, love in the air, dreams to dances, all night long, songs to sing, good times. Dances in darkness, dances under the purple skies, moons to turn upside down, life on the beach. Black and fit, veteran to date, life in Moreno Valley, 5'4" and 125 pounds, like to belly dance, stay in share, with purple hairs. Hope is the color of purple, hope on top, gifts to share, good times, houses in the hills to buy, take my hand, lets dance. Years to decades, baby boomers, rats, tigers, and monkeys this year, leap year again, for the 13 time, since time started. 

Emotions, and the best love to get, hot and burning, frames of hopes and desires, the best of my love. Dances on the sands of time,. love over the sands of time, want the whole world to see, love and hate, goats and sheep, the best is yet to come. The best of my love, songs to sing, songs played on the radio. Peace and love, blue and red, purple for hope, birds and bees, the best of the love in the air. Red hearts to share. Tall,witty, and wise tips to share, like the mind set, wanted to go there for years, have the plans to share also. 

Happy Valentine day, new lovers and dates on the sands of time, have so much to say, and have said it once.....stats, location, 420 connected, age....Hoping Hills: Wonderful day on earth, thankful still for gifts of present, another day on the right side of the grave. Why wait for the rain to stop?Learn how to dance in the rain, it raining, and it pouring .  Great day on the right side of the grave. Games to play, races to run, horses, dogs, dicks, fish and frogs to start. Good times, goodness and mercy angels out, friends from the sky. Happy and delighted still, learns learned, mountains to climb to greatness, gifts to share, stories created. Books to write. Animals, colors lights, stars shining bright, in the darkness. Done waiting for things to happen, time to choose battles to fight.

Plenty of fish to the seas, cows and buffalo shows, good times, jokes and laughs, dances on water. Horse and pony shows, rats racing, fish to fry,  burgers and cheese, good works, fish and burgers tonight. Daily events, to fish, to eat, Happy Friday, good foods. Tricks by RV Parties: Land Whales, cows and buffalo on land, cattle callers, tails to share, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed. Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take. Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play.


Today's #Tarot Card of the Moment is the Two of Swords! Being stuck with a difficult decision is both frustrating and confusing. But you cannot avoid this. Get honest, get real, and make a choice – you've got to start moving forward. More here: Two of Swords
Main (positional) meaning | General | Position Wait until the timing is right and all the facts are clear before taking action. The card in the Advice position suggests a course of action which will harmonize what you want with what is currently possible. The Two of Swords in this position advises that this may not be a good time to make a decision. Neither allow others to push you beyond your boundaries, nor permit yourself to act impulsively. You need to fully assimilate the situation before making any moves -- even if not having a solution as soon as you want causes tension. 

Have patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action. This, however, is not one of them. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn't come in yet. Plenty of fish to the seas, cows and buffalo shows, good times, jokes and laughs, dances on water. Horse and pony shows, rats racing, fish to fry,  burgers and cheese, good works, fish and burgers tonight. Daily events, to fish, to eat, Happy Friday, good foods.

Crooks, Cows, Cum Suckers, Land Whales, Tips and Tales.

Tricks by RV Parties: Land Whales, cows and buffalo on land, cattle callers, tails to share, joys and pass deeds and actions of love and devotion. Birthday wishes done tomorrow, fools and freaks, party and play on the beach. Lyons to faces in mirror. Looks fading fast, more lost hairs to spare, forehead built to land planes, jokers and with fingers pointed. Blame games, to use a finger, three fingers points to you, a second look to take. Write and rites, horse and pony shows, cowboys jacks and bag, boy games to play.

Crooks, Cows, Dates with Frogs, Snakes And Wolves. Land Whales, Tips and Tales.Starr Bright Angels, Angels Hosts Time To Spare, goodness and mercy, time on the cross, trips to hell, garden snakes, dens of frogs, packs of monkeys. To learn life lessons, to practice to perfection, to fail is equal to meaning of: first attempts in learning, to end is also effects never die, and no means next  opportunity, turn page and move on. Practice to perfection to not fail to learn lessons the first time.  The best dazes yet to come, for the time of our lives. Jumps for joy for another day on the right side of the grave. Going forward to better dazes.

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