Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Those that don’t know, their every action shows they don’t know. They are lost in nature. Don’t get it. Can’t respect it.

You are far from the end of your journey. The way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart. ✰THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY✰Everyday. To everyone. On a boat, on the beach, will you eat, green eggs and ham, asked the thing to the man, in the end, he fell in love with food, and what a great story it was, and still is.
One mark for you, on the boat, sailing the seven seas,over the problems, the lessons learned another way.Have to laugh, have to have a good time, crazy for a fee. Want more to take up the empty spaces, time, place, people, over time change.

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They can’t find their way and see only confusion and chaos in what we see as symmetry and connection.I pray they find their way.Imagine what if Cavendish eat mero mero fruit like Boa Hancock

'LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM NOT FOR WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE'.Above Normal.Twisted Sister -- We're Not Gonna Take it: PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!Here’s an URGENT update on what is going on with the Equal Rights Amendment in Virginia and what you can do to help the 166 million women and girls fighting for constitutional equality.But you ain't as crazy as I am. AMEN!Grits to Kiss Persistence."Nothing in the would can take the place of persistence.    Those that don’t know, their every action shows they don’t know. They are lost in nature. Don’t get it. Can’t respect it.

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